Monday, 6 July 2015

What's New & An Amazing Giveaway

So some of you that have visited the Jelly Button site or page may have noticed I'm still on maternity leave.  I am allowed a couple of keeping in touch days, and have been roping friends and family in to help out so I don't forfeit the conditions of my maternity pay, but have still been able to honour some customer orders.

I have a million ideas for the re-opening buzzing about in my head, but whilst the little one is so young I'm finding it hard to get down to my studio to put plans into action. I'm hoping in a few weeks when she settles with others better I will be able to get started on the re-launch. I have however been finding ways to get my own identity back by doing things for myself, one of these is volunteering at a local swimming pool (well in terms of size it's closer to a big jacuzi) as this not only allows me adult conversation but also qualifications, and I'm a sucker for adding new skills to my list.

Another thing I have just started is joining Younique, you may have heard of all the hype about the mascara which is how I initially heard the name.  It's all quite new to me and I'm still learning, but if you are interesting in any of the products you can go check out my own page.

Finally, what I'm sure you are most interested in is the giveaway following on from my previous review.  Well the lovely folks at Caseapp are letting me give away a phone case to one lucky winner.  All you have to do to enter is go through the Rafflecopter app below.

Good luck, I'm still loving my cover and this week its strength got tested when my 1 year old nephew decided to bounce it from a table onto a wooden floor! All is good with it of course!

Michelle x

P.S This weekend was Baby Buttons Christening, here is a shot including parents and godfather Neil (if you still remember who my blogging partner is ha)

Comp Rules - UK entrants only, no cash alternative available, if conditions of entry are not fulfilled another winner will be selected 

Thursday, 25 June 2015

Baby Love With Case-App

I'm ashamed to say I've turned into one of those annoying parents that takes a million photos a day of their baby doing the most mundane of things ** 'oh look she's pulling her poo face - lets take a picture' ** so when CaseApp messaged asking if I wanted to review another case there was no question who would feature on it.

I have previously been lucky enough to receive a product from them, but since changing phones it no longer fit so this was perfect timing.  The process of creating your own case was super easy, I chose the collage layout with 3 of my favourite pics of O.  

Now when people ask to see a picture (I'm sure it's just to humour me) I can just flip my phone round instead of scrolling through my thousands of pictures in the hope they don't catch a glimpse of the not so flattering post baby body pics I'm taking to keep tabs on the weight loss.

The lovely folks over at CaseApp are offering me the chance to give a cover away to some lucky duck, so keep your eyes on the blog in the next week.

And if you don't have a pet/baby/partner you love enough to grace your phone you can also choose some of their pre-made designs - I'm liking the look of the flamingos and watermelons to get me in the summer spirit.

Michelle x

Sunday, 21 June 2015

Getting rid of the baby belly with Exante Diet

I'm sure most new mums will sympathise with me over my struggle to rid the baby belly, I gained a healthy 35lb when pregnant, most of which dropped off within 2 weeks after giving birth but that final 10lbs refused to budge.  Fast forward to me having my post-natal check up and being given the all clear I decided it was time for me to take responsibly and do something about the baby pouch.  I joined Slimming World, which so far I have to say I'm loving, however after a couple of weeks off plan due to a family bereavement I needed to kick start my weight loss so I didn't feel a complete failure at weigh in.

Fortunately I was sent a package from Exante Diet to try just at the perfect moment.  The products are aimed at those who are following low calorie/meal replacement type diets, so I decided to adopt my own style of the 5:2 diet using the bits I was sent.  I stayed on plan for 5 days and then did 2 days of only 500 calories.

I have tried the 5:2 diet in the past and had positive results, however the hard part was trying to make snacks/meals that stayed below 500 calories, so with this in mind I have to say the Exante Diet products were perfect.  No need to weigh out or measure portions, just simple to make food.

My favourite from the samples I was sent were the Cherry & Almond Bar and the Tiramisu, both totally delicious and satisfied my sweet tooth.  I followed my 5:2 diet for 2 weeks and from the first weigh in I lost an amazing 4lb and I am waiting for this weeks weigh in to find out my newest loss!

I would definitely recommend to anyone wanting to drop some weight ready for bikini season or just to speed up weight loss whilst following another diet.

Does anyone else have any positive diet stories to share, or any tips on how to tone up after giving birth?

Michelle x

TIP - if you have one, use a protein shaker ball when mixing the milkshakes to avoid lumps! 

 ** Products were sent to me to trial free of charge, all opinions however are my own.

*** Baby milk was not mine, don't be tempted to try it as a new diet fad as it tastes vile!

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

A new start

So anyone who follows me on social media will know my life has been flipped upside down in the best way possible - I've become a mummy! Olive Adelaide made her entrance into the world 2/3/15 weighing in at 7lb 12oz, and now she's almost 10 weeks old she has well and truly made herself at home.

I'm not going to lie, the first 6 weeks were hard, emotionally and physically, but now we are getting to know each other and life is amazing.

I'm going to try and get back into blogging, during the rare times when Little O isn't wanting a mummy cuddle, but until then I will share some of my favourite pics of her (I've turned into one of those annoying parents who takes a picture every time she pulls a funny face or wears a new outfit!)



Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Pushing Present

Up until a family member mentioned this I have to say it is something I have never heard of, I assume it's normal for the father to buy flowers for the new mum but a present dedicated to the actual birthing process was a whole new concept.  Of course with baby due in two days this appeals to me, who doesn't want a gift, but I can see how this could spiral into a new over the top trend.  

Fortunately for my other half I don't have overly expensive taste, the thought of someone spending thousands on a piece of jewellery that has the potential of falling down the plug hole or getting lost in the abyss of a newborns nappy rubbish terrifies me, so I have given him a few suggestions of lower priced items that would cheer me up when the pain of pushing a tiny human out of my hooha is still fresh in my mind! 

Now for the cynics out there I know that he has already given me an amazing gift - a little person to nurture and share our lives with blah blah, but really 9 months of sickness, heartburn, permanent changes to my body, searing pain of labour (I could go on and on with this list) whilst he get to watch from the sidelines with a glass of rum, rare steak and runny eggs means I deserve some kind of materialistic reward at the end of it all.

I have to say the subscription to Slimming World and a Belly Bandit would be for his benefit too, I'm pretty certain listening to me complain at how much of a chunk I've become is wearing thin.  The jewellery is a more traditional option of what I have heard a pushing present should be.

What do you think of the idea of getting a present for giving birth, do you have any suggestions of gifts I could add to the list?

Michelle x

Monday, 9 February 2015

Bump Break

Anyone that follows Jelly Button on any of the social media sites you may have seen the store has been temporarily closed whilst I have a baby! Just typing that is completely terrifying, I'm not ready to grow up!! 

I left it till I was 37 weeks to shut the shop and have just posted the final few orders that came in the days before, so if you didn't get the chance to order I'm afraid it is too late now, I'm literally ready to pop any day!

To keep myself occupied I've been crafting lots of bits for the nursery which has lead me to creating a wish list of things I want for the finishing touches.  If anyone knows of any smaller brands that do awesome baby bits please leave a comment! 

Michelle x


Friday, 10 October 2014

Things that go bump in the night

Once again I've been absent from the blogging world, but with another good reason.  I'm sure the last time I posted it was about the time I had just had an operation, with the diagnosis being I would struggle getting pregnant due to the endometriosis blocking my tubes.  Fast forward 6 months and guess what...I'm 20 weeks pregnant! I think I'm seen as a bit of a miracle within the gynecology department of my local hospital, especially since my consultant cried when she found out the news.

So that brilliant news aside I've also been enjoying a short holiday with the family, which included my adorable new nephew Alfie, taking part in the Manchester Markets, making lots of new products and having the online shop updated, and finally I have just confirmed a week long stall at the Christmas Markets.

Phew no wonder I've been needing extra naps :)

Does anyone have any good pregnancy blog links for me to have a browse through? I'm new to all this bump malarkey! 

Michelle x